Thursday, November 26, 2020

Killing the Non-Chain Restaurant Industry in LA

 The evil Governor and Mayor have issue an order preventing even outdoor dining -- after the restaurants spend huge sums in creating outdoor dining capacity.

Are the elected leaders merely stupid, or are they purposefully destroying the small-business entrepreneur class?   And if it is the latter, what is their motivation?

L.A. County suspends outdoor dining at restaurants as coronavirus surges - Los Angeles Times (

 Gavin Noissome is notable by his idiotic and dictatorial policies:

Friday, March 8, 2019

The City is increasing becoming a toilet bowl.  

Visiting to nice places like Union Square, Cesario's Restaurant, and The Marine's Memorial Club are still quite pleasant.   Although stepping over passed-out junkies in the nearby BART station, dodging aggressive hoboes, and hop-scotching over cow-flop sized human feces somewhat detracts from the overall experience.

A toilet-bowl -- in some ways quite literally.
Please remember to flush.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

California Continuing to Destroy Business & Economy

An excellent fisking of the state's aggressive destruction of the private-sector economy:


The once Golden State is now tarnished brass.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Misdirected Idealism

The world is (and shall remain) as it is, not as we would wish it to be.

Kirsten Brydum, long time Food Not Bombs volunteer and SF Really Really Free Market organizer, was found dead this past Saturday in New Orleans. According to reports she was shot several times in the head.

Kirsten’s death comes on the heels of another tragedy for the activist community, the rape and murder of Eugene Food Not Bombs volunteer Marcella “Sali” Grace in Oaxaca Mexico.

Read it all here. Sad. Especially sad that these two lives were lost for nothing.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Point of No Return?

Whites in state 'below the replacement' level

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Read more:

Third-World Status is Now Unavoidable -- then we're well and truly fucked.

When I last lived in CA in the mid 90s, we had a neighbor who slaughtered goats in his front-yard (via throat-slitting) and barbecued them on a spit in the middle of his lawn. Is that what we have to look forward to?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Low-tax Texas Beats Big-Government California


"Stop messing with Texas!" That was the message Gov. Rick Perry bellowed on election night as he celebrated his victory over Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison in the Republican primary for governor. In his reference to Texas' anti-littering slogan, Perry was making a point applicable to national as well as Texas politics and addressed to Democratic politicians as well as Republicans.

His point was that the big-government policies of the Obama administration and Democratic congressional leaders are resented and fiercely opposed not just because of their dire fiscal effects but also as an intrusion on voters' independence and ability to make decisions for themselves.

No one would include Perry on a list of serious presidential candidates, including himself, even in the flush of victory. But in his 10 years as governor, the longest in the state's history, Texas has been teaching some lessons to which the rest of the nation should pay heed.

They are lessons that are particularly vivid when you contrast Texas, the nation's second most populous state, with the most populous, California.

Read the whole thing here.